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Grange C of E Primary School

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Breakfast and After School Club

Early Birds Breakfast Club

For further information contact Tracy Hathorn: 07973 545126

From 7.45am Monday to Friday, term time only

Cost: £3.50 per session to include cereal, fruit, juice, toast

Breakfast Club takes place in the school hall and means that once your child is dropped off, they can join their class as they arrive for school without having to leave the school site.

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Grange After School 'Kids Club'

For further information contact: 07340714878 (please leave message)

Opening Hours: 3.15 - 6pm Monday to Friday, term time only


  • £9 per session first child, £8 for second child
  • £5 - Emergency hour: 3.15 - 4.15pm

Kids Club provides child-care within the school setting which means that parents/carers can feel secure that their child/children have a seamless transition at the end of the day into a welcoming environment.  Kids Club provide a snack at the start of the session and a chance to sit together and chat after a busy day in school. 

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