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Grange C of E Primary School

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Thank you for taking the time to visit our website, whether you are a prospective parent or a parent of a child in school, welcome.  We hope you find the information on our site helpful; please contact us if you would like any more details. We are at the heart of the lovely south Lakeland town of Grange over Sands.  The school is positioned above the town looking out towards the bay and has large grounds for the children to enjoy. We have strong links with local community, especially with our church St Paul’s. The school is part of the Cartmel Cluster of schools which work closely together to provide opportunities for the children.

Grange C of E Nursery

We hope that your child will start their education with us at our nursery where we aim to provide the very best experiences for them in order to fulfil their potential and to spark a love of learning through play.  They can join nursery the term after they are 3 and we offer 15 hours and 30 hours provision subject to places being available at the time. We have close links with local child-minders and the pre-school where children often attend before starting nursery or in combination with nursery provision.

Please download our brochure which will inform you of the exciting and interesting things we do in order to provide an excellent education for your child at the early stages.

Reception Class

Transition from our Nursery (Shelduck known as 'Ducklings') to Reception Class (Curlew) is seamless as the children have adjoining classrooms and staff work in both settings, giving continuity for their learning and reassurance for new starters.  For those that do not attend our nursery, transition sessions are held so that new children can meet the teacher and visit the classroom before they start in September.
Reception shares a large outdoor covered area and outdoor playground space with the nursery children.  They have access to our lovely grounds and enjoy learning in and outdoors.

Key Stage 1

Y1 Sanderling and Y2 Lapwing children are in single aged classes and are part of our Key Stage 1.  Learning from Reception class is developed further in Y1 and they follow the same math, phonics and reading programmes to ensure that there is consistency.  This is further developed in Y2.

Key Stage 2

In KS2 there are 4 classes . Y3 Eider, Y4 Dunlin, Y5 Harrier, Y6 Peregrine.  KS2 follow the same math scheme which supports progression through school. English teaching builds on KS1 knowledge and skills. 

Throughout school we feel it is important for our children to understand the part they play in their local community and in the wider world.  With this in mind we encourage them to find out more about how our values of love, hope and trust impact on daily lives-seeing things from a wider viewpoint. We teach about fairtrade, sustainable goals and UN Rights of the Child –and about childhood and life in Nepal-a country we have close links with.